Different POD T-shirt Ideas -Coloured T-shirts

4 min readSep 23, 2019

Last weekend I went to the Science Museum in London with my family. I love museums, I can spend hours inside. My son, Jeremy (almost 5 years old) loves that kind of stuff too. We spent four hours inside and had great fun, meanwhile, our mom and teenage nephew were bored a bit. But we both had great fun.

Jeremy is going crazy in the museum.
No idea what he is doing!

In their official store, I have seen that product. Coloured T-shirts (Comes with washable markers) and love the idea and presentation so much.

It is not a new idea, I have seen that around for many years. And also I wanted to do by myself for years, but no time no luck. But always wanted to see one of our users do that, maybe you?

The idea is super simple.

  • White 100% cotton Kids t-shirt.
  • The print is only one colour, outlines. Like a colouring book.
  • Each pack comes with a t-shirt and a set of magic pens.
  • Kid colour the t-shirt, you wash and start again.

Great fun isn’t it?

I really like the idea, can apply to the many niches. Halloween, Dogs, Cats, Space, Dinosaurs, Unicorn, Xmas, Birthday etc. Possibilities are endless. You can also offer customised like the name, interest, city too.

How to start?

1- Find the Niche

Pick a niche/interest. Halloween, Dogs, Cats, Space, Dinosaurs, Unicorn, Xmas, Birthday etc. Possibilities are endless.

If you already have a niche store, you can add this idea to your store too. Let’s say if you already have a store about dogs, create a KIDS section and start adding that products.

2- Find the Artworks

Get some artworks related to that. All you need some outlined vector images related to those ideas. I did a quick research about where to find that kind of images, Freepik has some many.

Check here: https://www.freepik.com/search?dates=any&format=search&page=1&query=coloured%20book%20kids&sort=popular

There are so many out there. Also, ShutterStock has good ones too.

3- Create them on AOP+

Edit your artworks and upload them to AOP+ (https://aop.plus) and create kids t-shirts and publish in your store. AOP+ works on Shopify and ETSY.

You can install it your store in 5 mins.

4- Need better mockups?

If you need better mockups Place It has so many options with kids Check them out: http://bit.ly/2kCfbE2

5- Replace your mockups

If you find something you like in Place.it. Create your mockups and update the product pictures in your Shopify store which you created with AOP+ (https://aop.plus)

6- What about pens?

Textile markers are everywhere. I did a quick research on eBay and found so many with cheap prices.

Here: https://bit.ly/2kteNHI Average prices include shipping is 2.99. I am sure if you look deep you will find way cheaper. Or maybe bulk?

7- How to send them together?

“Yes, but I want to send a t-shirt and markers together.“ We happy to help on that, talk to Uygar on Facebook or send email to AOP+ Support (support@aop.plus) We can ship them together for you.

As I have mentioned I always wanted to do that project but never found time for that. If you are planning to do something similar, talk to me or my team. We are happy to work on the cost of Kids tee and help you on fulfilment of the markers too to support you on this project. I believe we can offer good prices on this package.

POD (Print on Demand) is a great business model BUT you need to do something different to stand out.

If you have any questions join our Facebook Group: https://aop.plus/academy

AOP+ (Shopify App): https://aop.plus/academy

Support: support@aop.plus

Uygar from AOP+




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